
Lyrics Timecode.

This is our initial idea for our music video. We have worked out what kind of shots would fit in with each section of the song, and with what lyrics. This is what we have produced.

0:00 -0:01 – close up on the main character’s eyes opening. First “Excess”
0:01 – 0:07 –establishing shot of the room, close up on a full ashtray, broken bottles, clothes everywhere.
0:07 – 0:08 – second “Excess”, close up on the girlfriend mouthing Excess, blowing out smoke in a white shirt, smudged make up.
0:08 -0:15 –close ups two-shot of the couple sitting next to each other, looking at each other, lovingly.
0:15 -0:16 – third “Excess” extreme close up of them squeezing each other’s hands “in passion”.
0:16 -0:18 – close up on his face, extreme close up zoom in shot on his eye, “wide open”,
0:18 -0:22 –shots of the fight from the night before, close ups on bottles being smashed to pieces, possible slow-motion
0:22 -0:23 –fourth “Excess” they let go of each other’s hands,
0:23 -0:31 –two shot of them leaving the bed/floor in separate directions/ sides,  a close up of her face wiping tears away, “evil” smile,
0:31 -0:32 –he leaves, door shuts

0:32 -0:46 “Oh well, I’ve been trying my best, and now I’ve had some success” – him walking down the streets, singing to the camera, few establishing shots, intercutting with him singing
0:46 – 0:52 “It’s time to try some excess, a little bit of excess” cuts to the girl pulling on stockings & getting ready to go out, putting make up etc
0:52 -1:03 “ It’s time to try some excess, a little bit of excess” -him still singing, walking into the club (shot of him walking in from outside), sitting down/ordering a shot.
1:03 -1:18 –shots of her walking out of the flat, walking into the same club, ordering a drink, club full of people, they dance, she meets her friends, he meets his, both dance on the dancefloor. (slowmo?)
1:18-1:22 “Running around and around like a rollercoaster” – blurry camera, p.o.v., as if the whole club was spinning, drug use/alcohol effect.
1:22 -1:25 – he notices the girl, flirting with some other guy
1:25- 1:30 “Nothing to lose, so excited as we go faster” he walks over, pushes them apart, starts a fight with the other man.
1:30 -1:47 – they fight, possible slow motion, close ups, on the girl the people, they get kicked out, he’s all beaten up, heading home.
1:47-2:01–music speeds up, girl dances, and flirts with guys intercuts with the guy going back home, blurry camera, shaky (drunk & on drugs), shuts the door,

2:01 -2:03 –close up on her face in the club, looks confused/lost
2:03 -2:10 –she comes back, looks all guilty, he sits on the bed, looks up (close up) – quite long shots, of them looking at each other (her guilty & apologising), him all angry?
2:10 -2:17 – arguments ends in kissing, making up, passionate kissing, he throws her on the bed, etc
2:17-2:18 – darkness/blank shot, symbolising end of the day, end of an old chapter,

2:18 – 2:33- "Oh well, I’ve been trying my best, and now I’ve had some success”, morning after both on the bed, facing each other, looking happy, morning light, bright, cheerful, fresh feel.
2:33 –2:38“It’s time to try some excess a little bit of excess” –they have breakfast together across a table, talk, laugh etc (good relationship, happiness, no problems)
2:38 -2:46“It’s time to try some excess, a little bit of excess” –he goes out, kisses her goodbye, she sits on a sofa, reading a book, close ups, shot of him walking out the door.
2:46 -2:55 –she throws the book away, puts on the stockings, make up, winks at the camera as “Excess” comes on

2:55 -3:10 –she walks down the street, typing on the phone, walks past him in a cafĂ©, he’s writing, walks out, follows her, she sees him, they fight, he walks away
3:10 – 3:26 –he goes back to the flat, goes mental, packs a suitcase with her clothes, gets a bottle of Jack, gets drunk, image gets shaky. Excess comes on everything goes black,
3:26 -3:34 – she walks in, he’s on the floor, passed out, her suitcase’s by the door, she takes it, winks at the camera again and leaves. Door shuts. THE END.

1 comment:

  1. great detail, could include song into post so viewer can listen to it.

    (Level 4 mid)
