Idea Development
Today we had a group meeting and we discussed in detail all the aspects of our story: the character types, the story types, the genre, the plot and structure of the video and song. We worked out the sections of the song and planned out what happens during the verses and choruses.
Group Meeting. 02/10/2012
We created this mind map and discussed what we need to improve after watching last years pitches and looking at their Research & Planning work. We discussed and wrote down what we need to do to keep our work on Level4.
Target Audience Collage
Using Kizoa the free collage maker website i used pictures from the internet to gather an overall picture of the gender, subculture and target audience. After doing some research our target audience is likely ages between 25-30 so i went on to our artists (Pryce Oliver) twitter and clicked on some of his friends and got some of there pictures demonstrating his audience he aims for. There is not on particular gender that our artist aims for as he entertains both. I got some images to express the subculture of dance music as we can see some drugs, the crazy colour outfits and bright neon bands. Other famous artists such as The Prodigy and Fat Boy Slim are examples of other inspirations of dance club music.
Target Audience - Social Networking!
We are lucky enough to have an artist with a quite established status in the local music industry. Pryce Oliver already has his own website and facebook profile, twitter account, soundclound account & a youtube account. He has a reasonably sized fanbase. Also with increasing interest in Dance genre by the public, there is a great potential for his music to become well-known in a short period of time.
I collected some screen captures from his existing accounts
to get an idea of what the target audience may be. By that, I mean,
what age group is his music targeting and what kind of an audience listens to dance music?

Instantly we can see that the age group most interested in this kind of music & our artists are adults aged from 25-34 years old. This is perfect because our initial ideas for the music video for one of his songs are touching quite serious, grown up subjects such as jealous, relationships, betrayal and drug and alcohol use. This information will help us narrow down what we want to include in our music video and what kind of scenes, themes and concepts can we include so that we target the above type of audience successfully.
I collected some screen captures from his existing accounts
to get an idea of what the target audience may be. By that, I mean,
what age group is his music targeting and what kind of an audience listens to dance music?
Information provided by facebook:
Twitter followers:

Instantly we can see that the age group most interested in this kind of music & our artists are adults aged from 25-34 years old. This is perfect because our initial ideas for the music video for one of his songs are touching quite serious, grown up subjects such as jealous, relationships, betrayal and drug and alcohol use. This information will help us narrow down what we want to include in our music video and what kind of scenes, themes and concepts can we include so that we target the above type of audience successfully.
Concept Mood Board
Using the free mood board creator 'Kizoa' i gathered images from the internet to represent the concept of our music video. This included the locations: London street, untidy room or flat and a night club. Drugs and alcohol heavily influence one of the characters in the story so this has to be included. The theme of success and failure is essential as the male character we are positioned with faces good times and bad times with his girlfriend. We have hype-reality involved as the female character winks at the camera as our last shot almost establishing that she knew we was watching the whole time and comes out of her character. We see alot of the couple kissing but also we see her cheating causing a fight between her boyfriend and another guy. This raises the emotion of jealousy and anger.
References And Inspirations, Image Of Artist
Our artist 'Pryce Oliver' has already established himself an image what we can build on and develop. He is homosexual which makes him feminine this is important when it comes to his photo shoots and style.
We were asked to explore and find other references what involve similarities with our artist and other famous artists. I found example, by looking at his myspace and his pictures i found that he had a casual look and style, selling a independent male figure solo artist. I found in some cases Pryce Oiver too had some elements of examples style as he presents himself as his personality and creating his own image.
However just because in some photos Pryce Oliver is presenting himself as casual and ordinary he also has some photo shoots of him showing his fashion. Here we can see he looks quite trendy with his hair messy and a scarf giving him a more original look. I think that the artist Mika can be compared to our artist as he is also homosexual so both artists aim to look feminine and fashionable.

Lastly i discovered that Pryce Oliver also had an interest in looking unique or adding make up to make him seem more interesting. Using a black line splitting down the middle of his face to give him that abstract and weird affect but giving the image a more original style. Famous artist Fat Boy Slim used a similar effect in one of his photos.
We were asked to explore and find other references what involve similarities with our artist and other famous artists. I found example, by looking at his myspace and his pictures i found that he had a casual look and style, selling a independent male figure solo artist. I found in some cases Pryce Oiver too had some elements of examples style as he presents himself as his personality and creating his own image.
However just because in some photos Pryce Oliver is presenting himself as casual and ordinary he also has some photo shoots of him showing his fashion. Here we can see he looks quite trendy with his hair messy and a scarf giving him a more original look. I think that the artist Mika can be compared to our artist as he is also homosexual so both artists aim to look feminine and fashionable.

Lastly i discovered that Pryce Oliver also had an interest in looking unique or adding make up to make him seem more interesting. Using a black line splitting down the middle of his face to give him that abstract and weird affect but giving the image a more original style. Famous artist Fat Boy Slim used a similar effect in one of his photos.
References And Inspirations (intertextuality)
Lyrics Timecode.
This is our initial idea for our music video. We have worked out what kind of shots would fit in with each section of the song, and with what lyrics. This is what we have produced.
0:00 -0:01 – close up on the main character’s eyes opening. First “Excess”
0:01 – 0:07 –establishing shot of the room, close up on a
full ashtray, broken bottles, clothes everywhere.
0:07 – 0:08 – second “Excess”, close up on the girlfriend
mouthing Excess, blowing out smoke in a white shirt, smudged make up.
0:08 -0:15 –close ups two-shot of the couple sitting next to
each other, looking at each other, lovingly.
0:15 -0:16 – third “Excess” extreme close up of them
squeezing each other’s hands “in passion”.
0:16 -0:18 – close up on his face, extreme close up zoom in
shot on his eye, “wide open”,
0:18 -0:22 –shots of the fight from the night before, close
ups on bottles being smashed to pieces, possible slow-motion
0:22 -0:23 –fourth “Excess” they let go of each other’s hands,
0:23 -0:31 –two shot of them leaving the bed/floor in separate
directions/ sides, a close up of her
face wiping tears away, “evil” smile,
0:31 -0:32 –he leaves, door shuts
0:32 -0:46 – “Oh well, I’ve been trying my best, and now I’ve
had some success” – him walking down the streets, singing to the camera, few
establishing shots, intercutting with him singing
0:46 – 0:52 – “It’s time to try some excess, a little bit of
excess” cuts to the girl pulling on stockings & getting ready to go out,
putting make up etc
0:52 -1:03 –“ It’s time to try some excess, a little bit of
excess” -him still singing, walking into the club (shot of him walking in from
outside), sitting down/ordering a shot.
1:03 -1:18 –shots of her walking out of the flat, walking into
the same club, ordering a drink, club full of people, they dance, she meets her
friends, he meets his, both dance on the dancefloor. (slowmo?)
1:18-1:22 – “Running around and around like a rollercoaster”
– blurry camera, p.o.v., as if the whole club was spinning, drug use/alcohol
1:22 -1:25 – he notices the girl, flirting with some other
1:25- 1:30 –“Nothing to lose, so excited as we go faster” he
walks over, pushes them apart, starts a fight with the other man.
1:30 -1:47 – they fight, possible slow motion, close ups, on
the girl the people, they get kicked out, he’s all beaten up, heading home.
1:47-2:01–music speeds up, girl dances, and flirts with guys
intercuts with the guy going back home, blurry camera, shaky (drunk & on
drugs), shuts the door,
2:01 -2:03 –close up on her face in the club, looks
2:03 -2:10 –she comes back, looks all guilty, he sits on the
bed, looks up (close up) – quite long shots, of them looking at each other (her
guilty & apologising), him all angry?
2:10 -2:17 – arguments ends in kissing, making up,
passionate kissing, he throws her on the bed, etc
2:17-2:18 – darkness/blank shot, symbolising end of the day,
end of an old chapter,
2:18 – 2:33- "Oh well, I’ve been trying my best, and now I’ve
had some success”, morning after both on the bed, facing each other, looking
happy, morning light, bright, cheerful, fresh feel.
2:33 –2:38 –“It’s time to try some excess a little bit of
excess” –they have breakfast together across a table, talk, laugh etc (good
relationship, happiness, no problems)
2:38 -2:46 –“It’s time to try some excess, a little bit of
excess” –he goes out, kisses her goodbye, she sits on a sofa, reading a book,
close ups, shot of him walking out the door.
2:46 -2:55 –she throws the book away, puts on the stockings,
make up, winks at the camera as “Excess” comes on
2:55 -3:10 –she walks down the street, typing on the phone,
walks past him in a cafĂ©, he’s writing, walks out, follows her, she sees him,
they fight, he walks away
3:10 – 3:26 –he goes back to the flat, goes mental, packs a suitcase
with her clothes, gets a bottle of Jack, gets drunk, image gets shaky. Excess
comes on everything goes black,
3:26 -3:34 – she walks in, he’s on the floor, passed out,
her suitcase’s by the door, she takes it, winks at the camera again and leaves.
Door shuts. THE END.
Final Idea Brainstorm.
We brainstorm our individual ideas together and threw some ideas in suggested by other students, and we created a mind map based upon it as we did in our notebooks when discussing this. We listened to the song many times, thinking of different themes & different settings we could include in the video and this is what we came up with. We will post our final idea template soon.
Email To Copyright Holder
For copyright reasons we had to get permission from the copyright holders to use their song 'Excess' in our music video.
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