
Final Digipack

This is our final digipack product featuring our artist, the first image in the top left corner is the front cover. The following images in the top right corner and bottom left are the inside covers. Finally the back cover is the image in the bottom right. This was split equally between my partner designing two each.


Final Digipack

Split between me and my partner we had to make a 4 panel digipack for our artist the two at the top are the front cover and inside cover that Adam created and the two below are back cover and inside cover that Mag designed. Using photo shop allowed us to add effects and text over the images and creating some images from scratch for example I created a face made up of images I took on a camera of all different music equipment what fitted the dance music genre such as mixers, decks, speakers and headphones. We had to ensure that all four designs suited each other for example using the consistent colour of purples and different shades.


Final Video!

And so we've completed our music video. It's the 17th of January, 2013.
Now we are working on our digipack and the website to be completed by the end of next week.
We will ask for feedback on our final video and post the evidence on the blog next week.
All the contribution is shown in form of screen captures on our individual blogs.


Video Diary - feedback comments, rough cut.

In class, we gave each other feedback, stating which grade the videos deserve and why and what we need to improve.