First Shoot - Saturday, November 18th.
We took pictures on the shoot to demonstrate our roles on the shoot on Saturday, 18th of November.
Firstly Magg set up the camera for the first few shots: got the camera ready with batteries, tape and microphone, mounted the camera on tripod, set the right white balance, and adjusted the manual focus for the first shot.
Adam set up the lights and set up the scene by using the tripod, mounting the LED light on the lightstand and balancing it out so that it matches our desired effect. Then he set up the scene by removing all of our personal belongings, camera equipment from the bedroom & decorating the room so it fits our character profile & story line.
Throughout the shoot we were switching the camera between each other every few shots so that the work was equally divided between us to ensure we both contribute to the project.
Digipak draft (photoshop)
Here is a rough version of what I would like our front cover of our digipak to look like, I collected a random image of a male online because we have not done our photo shoot yet. I also collected other images that relate to the dance music genre such as:
Microphone leads
Glow stick
After collecting these images i re-sized and rotated them to fit them to the face, they represent the facial figures of our artist.
Call Sheet
Adam: 07518338163
Mag: 07521014870
Kieran: 07983448020
Connie: 07824555295
Bruce: 07710700750
Mag: 07521014870
Kieran: 07983448020
Connie: 07824555295
Bruce: 07710700750
Digipak And Website Draft 1
For planning I decided to draw out with pencil some drafts. Starting
with the website and the layout to give a basic structure to our site
including an image of the artist, the music video, tour dates, latest
news, information about the artist. We will be creating our website for
our artist on Wix.
is one of the first drafts of the front cover of our digipak including
our artist in the center of the shot posing. The speakers in the
background are too add effect as they are blasting our sound behind our
artist, this fits with the genre of dance music with our artist.
second draft had the more creative elements, the image of the artist in
the background and features from dance equipment is chopped up and used
as the facial features of our artist. For example part of the speakers
is used as the eye. This image would be similar to a collage.

Production Schedule
Production Schedule:
Thursday 15th of November - 12 - 2.30 pm
Location: in the photography studio,
Asset List: the artist, speakers, headphones, microphone, faders;
AIM: Digipack Photos & Photos for the website.
Thursday 15th of November 2012 - 4pm -6pm
Location: London.
Asset List: camera, tripod, charger, batteries, speakers & ipod for song, final shotlist, risk assessment, call sheet (emergency numbers etc)
AIM : establishing shot of London, ON SHOT LIST: 21, 22, 60 + backup shots, (possibly 19, 23, 59)
Saturday, 17th of November - 11am -2pm ; 3pm - 6pm :
11am-11.30am = set up
11.30 am -12o'clock = actors arrive = run through the scenes & film trial shots.
12o'clock (or 12.30) til 2pm = 1 - 6, 60 - 76 shots (shot numbers in shot list)
3pm -6pm = 70/71 - 81shots. (shot numbers in shotlist)
6pm -7pm = shot numbers: 24, 26, 30, 32
Location: Alice's house/spare bedroom.
Asset List: female and male actors, camera, ipod for the song, final shotlist, risk assessment, call sheet, batteries, charger, costumes, props such as photoframes, bedcovers, lights & microphone for the camera, batteries for the lights,
AIM: COMPLETE SHOTS FROM: 1 -6 , 60 - 76, 78 - 80
Sunday, 18th Of November - 11am -2pm ; 3pm - 6pm (longest, planned to cut at 4/5pm)
11.am -11.30 am = set up.
11.30am - 12o'clock = actors arrive = run through the scenes, trial shots.
12o'clock - til 2pm = 8 -18 shots (shot numbers in shotlist)
3pm -4pm = 27, 28, 29, 31 (shot numbers according to shotlist)
Location: Hextable, Adam's house.
Asset List: actors, camera, ipod for the song, final shotlist printed out, risk assessment, call sheet, batteries, charger, costumes, lights, batteries for the lights, microphone for camera,
Asset List: camera, tripod, charger, batteries, speakers & ipod for song, final shotlist, risk assessment, call sheet (emergency numbers etc)
AIM : establishing shot of London, ON SHOT LIST: 21, 22, 60 + backup shots, (possibly 19, 23, 59)
Saturday, 17th of November - 11am -2pm ; 3pm - 6pm :
11am-11.30am = set up
11.30 am -12o'clock = actors arrive = run through the scenes & film trial shots.
12o'clock (or 12.30) til 2pm = 1 - 6, 60 - 76 shots (shot numbers in shot list)
3pm -6pm = 70/71 - 81shots. (shot numbers in shotlist)
6pm -7pm = shot numbers: 24, 26, 30, 32
Location: Alice's house/spare bedroom.
Asset List: female and male actors, camera, ipod for the song, final shotlist, risk assessment, call sheet, batteries, charger, costumes, props such as photoframes, bedcovers, lights & microphone for the camera, batteries for the lights,
AIM: COMPLETE SHOTS FROM: 1 -6 , 60 - 76, 78 - 80
Sunday, 18th Of November - 11am -2pm ; 3pm - 6pm (longest, planned to cut at 4/5pm)
11.am -11.30 am = set up.
11.30am - 12o'clock = actors arrive = run through the scenes, trial shots.
12o'clock - til 2pm = 8 -18 shots (shot numbers in shotlist)
3pm -4pm = 27, 28, 29, 31 (shot numbers according to shotlist)
Location: Hextable, Adam's house.
Asset List: actors, camera, ipod for the song, final shotlist printed out, risk assessment, call sheet, batteries, charger, costumes, lights, batteries for the lights, microphone for camera,
Final Shot List.

I've created the final shot list for our film. After I've done my storyboard and the animatic
I've noticed that I could improve my idea by removing some shots and replacing them with some better ones in terms of professionalism and advance level.
This shot list is going to be used during the shoot & this is going to be our guide for those two weeks.
Costume Design - Actors.
please note: click on the images to enlarge ^
I've search the internet to gather examples of the costume I am going to provide my actors with.There is one costume design for the male actor as he will not have a costume change on set. There is two costume designs for the female actor as she will need a costume change for certain shots.I decided to use symbolism in my music video such as the use of red & white.Red usually symbolises aggression and passion, whereas white symbolises purity or innocence.
The male character will be dressed in a white t-shirt, symbolising his purity and his innocence - showing he's the victim in the story, being cheated on by his girlfriend. He will also be dressed in blacks & greys to symbolise his feelings (depressed, sad, disappointed) and also to show the differences between the two personalities in the story.
Location Recce
I've taken pictures of the room that we are going to use as our character John's bedroom.
There is a lot of things that we need to clear from the bedroom to set it up for the music video
so in our production schedule we will need to include all the time for the set up until we can start shooting.
^ Magg
I also to took a picture of Air and Breathe in Dartford. This is the club we are going to use for our night club shots and perfomance shots in our music video.
I've created the Animatic for our Storyboard. Animatic is a motion version of the storyboard to present your final idea & the concept for the video in more visual form. The animatic, just like the storyboard is going to be my guide to show me what shots do I need and how is it going to look like. It's very probable that my final video will be a lot different to my storyboard and animatic but the point is to learn new skills and improve throughout the work.
I gathered images of the most essential props we will need for the shoot including:
alcohol bottles,
something to symbolise drugs
set of lights
sound system
DSLR camera
charger for camcorder and camera
Sony recording camera
set of keys
bed covers and pillows
make up set
Artist Costume
After gathering images on the internet we got a rough idea of what our artists costume will look like during our shoot, going for the fashionable and independent young male image with the boat shoes, skinny jeans, leather jacket, casual plan white tee and bright coloured glasses to match the dance culture.
Visual Style Mood Board
^moodboard 1 = by Magg.
^ This is our visual style for most of the video.
The dim lighting effect & the dominating blue shades of the video give it that sort of old film effect as well the grotty, dirty feel to it, which I'm aiming to achieve with appropriate camera techniques & after-effects when editing in our video. There is a lot of reasons why I thought this visual style would be perfect for our video, some of them include:
* It symbolises the impurity of the girl (Sarah)
in the video, impurity in their relationship & "dirty" lifestyle.
* It makes it look rough, just as our character's relationship is & lifestyle as well.
Moodboard 2 = by Adam.
Night Club
This is the visual style of the rest of the scenes in our video in the nightclub location
Colours - Bright, Fluorescent, Abstract, Psychedelic to create the atmosphere of a night clubLighting - Dark, Dirty, Pictoral
Visual - Distorted, Blurred, Out Of Focus this will relate to the drug use or drinking from the character as it intensely affects his vision.
Other Locations
Colours - Washed Out, Blues, Browns, Reds And Romantic Colours
Lighting - Dim, High Exposure
Visual - Natural
Institutions, Marketing And Strategy

I created a collage of visuals and images that represent the promotional campaign for my artists new album release and some of the marketing methods I would use such as:
- social networking sites (facebook, twitter, myspace and soundcloud) - posting messages about the new album release on these sites would encourage people to purchase the album when released.
- Singles and songs featured on other albums - my artist has already released singles and featured on other artists tracks, the use of posters and wallpapers promoting this helps expand his fan base
- Billboards - even though this is an old method for marketing it is still effective
- Album signings - offering the fans a album signing may encourage more people to buy the album and meet the artist up close in person
- Live performances and tours - this is essential in our promotional campaign we would like a bigger audience to watch our artist live
- Artists personal website - this allows fans or researchers to find information about our artist and also it will include the release date of the latest album
- Merchandise - can help create an image, style or fashion for the artist bringing in different types of people from other genres of music.
- Pop-ups and ringtones - these online advertisements are useful as they grab peoples attention when unexpected.
Risk Assessment
Before filming on location it is essential that you create a risk assessment for safety issues, this is a plan of what actions will be taken if their is a risk on site. It includes the different hazards you may face and how dangerous the hazard is, the people it could affect and who will take action and when on the day of filming.
Assets List
Creating an assets list is good to plan out your day of filming as you have a list of equipment, props and costumes. This avoids delay when it comes to shooting on the day and so me and my partner are fully prepared to make our video with no mistakes.
Things I need to bring:
Things I need to bring:
- Video Camera
- Video Tape
- Camera Charger
- Tripod
- Lighting
- Make-Up
- Strobe Lights
- Empty Alcohol Bottles
- Laptop
- Laptop Charger
- Hair Products
- Money
- Jeans
- Shirt
- Shoes
- Heels
- Dress
- Lipstick
- Hair Straighteners
Test Shots - Main Characters.
Main Characters in our story line:
Sarah: Connie Ball.
John: Kieran Hanks-McComas.
I took pictures of the two main characters in our storyline to show who the actors are, and their relationship.
It is important that the actors get on with each other during the shoot because our story line requires the actors to trust each other and be comfortable with each other. We are quite lucky as our actors are in a relationship personally and acting out the story in our music video should not be too hard for them.
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